The increased push for standards based assessment (and subsequent implications for not meeting goals) has taken its toll on the educational system. The pressures for accountability are being felt in primary and secondary classrooms across the nation. In fact, statistics show that many high school graduates are not prepared for college or careers. The cause of these inadequacies stem from many sources, but regardless of who or what is to blame, many students require additional instructional time and extra lessons outside of the classroom to meet their expected academic achievement goals.
As a result, many families are enlisting the services of tutors or tutoring services, particularly in the content areas where many American school children are falling short; English Language Arts and Mathematics. An English tutor or maths tutor, for example, can provide individualized instruction (which should be the goal of any education professional) that will help a student meet their annual yearly progress goals. The benefits of hiring a maths tutor can help a struggling student stay on track with the rest of their class in as little as one or two extra hours per week. A maths tutor who is highly skilled and passionate about their subject matter will not only help explain difficult concepts, but can teach self directed motivational and study techniques, too.
When selecting a tutor, such as a maths tutor, what do you need to look for? The most important part of your research is to find out the credentials of the tutor. Do they have experience with your childs grade level. (This is important because a third grade maths tutor may not have the expertise that a maths tutor specializing in calculus has.) If the maths tutor holds a teaching certification, even better. If your child has special needs, it is also important to identify a maths tutor who has proven experience working with students with learning disabilities. This ensures that the maths tutor has the appropriate knowledge and teaching strategies that address the disability. It is also important to find a maths tutor who has a good rapport with your child. This might mean you have to meet a few tutors, but a connectedness between instructor and student is integral to academic success.