Middle school is exactly what its name says it is. It is that in between time that occurs in the life of every young person when they are no longer a small child, but are not yet a teenager. The middle school experience will occur whether children are enrolled in a public school or a private school, so any differences will not be between the children in either situation. Any differences will have to do with the schools themselves.
Because there are estimated to be no more than 300 students in each of 86% of private schools, teachers are able to get to know their students on a more individual level. There is more opportunity to work one-on-one with students, and teachers are able to learn about the interests and capabilities of each member of the class on a more specific plane. Public high schools are generally twice the size of private high schools. This size difference is mainly what gives teachers the ability to understand their students’ personalities on an individual level.
Attending middle school in a private setting can serve to give these in between kids a little more insight into themselves as well as the world that seems to be getting bigger around them. Because the teachers are able to give each student that extra element of attention, students can experience more of an understanding of who they are and who they want to become as they grow. Having teachers who are able to take the time to notice the evolution that students are going through at middle school age is an added plus for both.
Private schools typically set a higher standard in the education they provide for their students, whether elementary, middle school or high school. Because of their smaller size, and because they have the ability to allocate funds for certain projects not offered by public schools, they offer a wider variety of extra curricular opportunities. Of parents surveyed whose children attend private schools, 80% have agreed that they are satisfied with the academic standards in those schools. In addition, another study conducted in 2007 revealed that 91% of parents chose private schools for their children largely because of the level of dedication among the teachers.
Although there are very many good public schools operating within the United States, there are certain benefits, aside from the smaller size, that private schools do offer their students. Statistics show that students who have attended a private school have scored higher on standardized tests than the majority of public school students. Additionally, because private schools typically set their standards for graduation at a higher level than public schools, more private school students go on to attend college. Further studies have showed that students who attended a private school, at least to completion of the eighth grade, are more likely to complete and graduate from college.
Safety is another important factor to parents when making the decision to send their children to either public or private school. It has been found that when children of any age are placed within an environment where they feel safe and supported, they will prosper and succeed. Several reports completed have proven that the element of safety is experienced more so in a private school setting than in public.
The benefits of top private schools include the fact that parents like to have a choice when it comes to the education of their children. Generally, when a family lives in, or moves into, a particular school district, their children are expected to attend the schools within that district. The fact is that there are good to excellent school districts, with wonderful ratings and all around successful attributes; however, not every school district can offer the same. And there are families who just prefer the private school setting, the smaller classrooms, the higher standards, etc. In these cases, the parents generally have several schools to choose from. Choice is considered a very good benefit!
Moral and ethical values are at the top of the benefits list, as well. Many private schools do not have a religious affiliation; however, the same high standards are set when looking at moral and ethical issues as are set for education.