One of the most rewarding careers today is becoming a licensed massage therapist. According to the video, you need to keep up with the state regulations and make sure that you are working to meet those hour requirements. Some states will only accept students from certain programs throughout the state with specific accreditations. Most states do have an educational requirement of around 500 hours of experience.

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Also, you’ll need to see what type of national certification is required and needs to be passed before you are given your certification.

Once you know what’s necessary, it’s time to find the right school and program for you. You need an accredited program that will also provide licensure for the program. Once you narrow down this list of programs in your area, compare the cost and the type of program they have. Stay away from programs that don’t offer licensing or have regional or national accreditation. You need hands-on training, which will help you with your educational hours and allow you to pass your exams. Good programs will also help you look for a position that’s either part-time or full-time as a licensed massage therapist once you’ve completed the program and are ready to start earning.


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