All About Legionella Pneumophila

Chances are that you’ve heard of Pneumonia at some point throughout your life. However, it is likely that you aren’t familiar with Legionella. Legionella Pneumophila is an aerobic bacilli that is responsible for causing both lobal and interstitial Pneumonia. Video Source First identified at the American Legion Convention, Legionella is a monopolar flagellum that grows

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Is Coal Ash Dangerous?

What is coal ash? Coal ash is the waste that is left after coal is combusted (burned). It includes fly ash (fine powdery particles that are carried up the smoke stack and captured by pollution control devices) as well as coarser materials that fall to the bottom of the furnace. Most coal ash comes from

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What You Should Never Do in a Gun Shop

Have you ever wondered how to carry yourself while in a gun shop? Like every institution, it has its general code of conduct and expectations of etiquette. Even a little jest can turn into something serious. You can check out the video Gun Shop Don’ts to learn what is unacceptable. It offers some invaluable advice

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What Size Should Your Dumpster Rentals Be?

When you need to clean or renovate your space, the waste will exceed an easily disposable size in your bin. For these big jobs, you’ll require a dumpster rental. You have to find the right size depending on the type and volume of the waste you need to dispose of. This guide should help you

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The Basics on Commercial Refrigeration Repairs

Refrigerators vary from model to model. There are usually four main factors of refrigeration operation that refrigeration repairs focus on. These include refrigeration, temperature control, defrost, and airflow. Video Source The first thing you need to know is what refrigeration your refrigerator has. This will determine the size of the compressor, how many coils it

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How Long Does It Take to Become a General Dentist?

Dentists are experts in oral health. A general dentistry practice provides a wide range of care and treatment for patients. One of the first questions an aspiring dentist will ask is “how long does it take to become a general dentist?” The answer is usually about eight years, but it can vary. This guide will

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How Automatic Fire Sprinklers Work

You’ve probably seen automatic fire sprinklers and maybe you’ve wondered how they work. How can they keep you and everyone within the building safe if a fire ever starts? Well, in this video, an expert will go over how the automatic fire sprinkler design works. Fire sprinklers are connected to a long line of tubing

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What You Should Know About Your Medical Billing Process

Before the medical billing accountant does your medical billing process, there is another process involving the physician who examines you and takes notes of your condition and the treatment to go with it. The YouTube video “Medical Billing Payment Process and Claim Cycle” details the steps involved in the medical bill process. Next, through several

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The Basics of Using a Boat Lift For Storage

As a boat owner, you know it uses up valuable space as long as your boat is on the water. Luckily, there are some great solutions out there to help maximize the potential of your dock space. One of these solutions is a boat lift for storage. The clip- Boating Tips: Boat Lift Basics discusses

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What You Should Know About How Criminal Charges are Filed

If you are looking for more information on facing criminal charges, consider some basics on how criminal charges are filed. In some situations, defense lawyers can take part in reducing or dropping the criminal charges a person acquires, depending on the severity. According to some statistics, there were a total of 2,551 exonerations mentioned in

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